Entries must originate as photographs (image-captures of objects via light sensitivity) made by the entrant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally.  Images may not incorporate elements produced by anyone else (for example: clip art, images or art by others downloaded from the Internet).  Images may be altered, either electronically or otherwise, by the entrant; adjustments to enhance images or creatively modify images are allowed providing the underlying photograph is retained in a way that is obvious to the viewer. Images may not be constructed entirely with a computer, and must be the sole work of the entrant.

A maximum of six entries are permitted per member in all competitions except The Diamond Jubilee Trophy, The Wilf Hathaway Trophy and the Print and PDI of the Year (see below). Unless otherwise stated they can be colour, monochrome or a mixture of both and must not have been submitted to any club competition prior to the current year.

In combined print and projected digital image (PDI) competitions, 3 Prints and 3 PDIs are allowed per entrant and the entrants should rate them 1, 2 & 3 so that if there are too many entries all the “3s” would be omitted. In these competitions prints and PDIs are judged separately.

Slide competitions have a maximum of 6 slides per entry.

Entries to be submitted to the Competition Secretary two weeks before the competition date unless requested earlier by the judge. PDIs can be submitted, preferably, as attachments to an email, or, alternatively via WeTransfer.com or on a memory stick.

PDI files must be in JPG format with a .jpg file extension. Files to be no larger than 1600 x 1200 pixels (WxH) and have a resolution no higher than 300dpi. This means a landscape format image cannot be larger than 1600 px on the longest side and a portrait format no larger than 1200 px on the longest side. Titles are to be in the format “Sequence rating, underscore, title, underscore, member’s name” (e.g. 2_Sunset_Joe Soap).

All prints to be adequately mounted to a maximum size of 500mm x 400mm and be complete with a backing board. Minimum print size to be 175mm x 125mm. Home or commercially processed prints are permitted in all competitions. If fixing tape is used for mounting, it must be of an appropriate type, so that the tape remains securely stuck to the backing board (do not use masking tape). Any mount colour is acceptable.

The club will provide labels for prints and slides, which must be clearly completed with the Title, Member’s number and Month/Year and name of the competition. These are then to be attached to the rear of the mount and positioned top/centre.

All slides to be correctly “spotted” (lower left corner as viewed) and labelled with Title, Date and Member’s number. Slides must be originals and not made from PDIs.

The results of all the monthly competitions will count towards the Photographer of the Year Trophy. All entries will receive one point with bonus points awarded to 1st place (10 points), 2nd place (7 points), 3rd place (5 points), Highly Commended (4 points) and Commended (3 points).

An entry for The Wilf Hathaway Trophy will consist of one panel of 5 prints. Prints can be of any subject, colour or monochrome (or a mixture of both) but should demonstrate a range of photographic skills/techniques. Maximum print size to be 300mm x 254mm, mount size must be 500mm x 400mm.  Prints entered as part of a Wilf Hathaway Trophy panel are not permitted in this competition again.

An entry for The Diamond Jubilee Cup will consist of a panel of 5 prints. Prints can be of any subject, colour or monochrome (or a mixture of both) but should be based on a theme. All prints to be adequately mounted to a maximum size of 500mm x 400mm and be complete with a backing board. Minimum print size to be 175mm x 125mm. Prints entered as part of The Diamond Jubilee Trophy panel are not permitted in this competition again.

An entry for the Print of the Year or PDI of the Year will consist of up to 4 prints or PDIs submitted in accordance with paragraphs 4 to 7 above.

Images can be entered into a maximum of three competitions, one from any three of the following four groups:

One monthly themed or open competition;

One of Print of the Year, Slide of the Year, or PDI of the Year;

One as part of The Wilf Hathaway Trophy as a print; One as part of The Diamond Jubilee Cup as a print.